Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm kind of a big deal....

Not really, but I wanted to post about my new job-which I ACCEPTED. Yay!

Currently, I work for the university I attended, West Virginia University. The job was a good start out of graduate school because of the bad economy. I was lucky-I was one of my friends who came out of graduation with a job. However, I really felt like the job description was inflated. I was the development representative, but I was more like a glorified secretary-I wrote notes and signed thank you cards. Don't get me wrong, it was a fine job, but I didn't bust my butt for six years to be doing this.

My passion for awhile has been long-term care. My masters degree is in public administration with a focus on health care, most specifically long-term care. In January, I started searching for a position in long-term care, but never got one. I was a little bummed, but knew one would come along eventually.

Jump to two weeks ago, I opened the newspaper (which I never do) and the first job listing is an admission director for a long-term care facility in the area. So, I had to apply. This was the job I did when I was interning with a long-term care facility. From there, I got called to interview and then again and then I was offered the position. I accepted on Monday and gave my two weeks notice with the university. My boss at the university is not happy. Oh well, you can only worry so much.

I had to take this opportunity. This job was my short-term goal. I will be in administration at a long-term care facility. Couldn't really pass that up.....

I start July 7. I'm really excited....Wish me luck! Prayers are welcome! :)


Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new job and the career move!!

beckylbranch said...

You will do just wonderful! Good luck!

Lyryn said...

How exciting!!! So happy for you. Best of luck and I'll be praying!

Summer Athena said...