Hello all!
I have decided to return to the blogging world. Mostly because I want to be able to document my life through this blog. I know it may not be as important to me now-without children, but as Mr. McB and I start to form a family this is a great way to remember all the little details and keep family up to date.
So, let me start over...
I am Mrs. McB. I am in my mid-twenties and we currently live in West Virginia (no jokes please). I was born and raised in West Virginia and am very much a Southern girl (we are south of the Mason-Dixon :) ).

Me on a camping trip with friends
A little background about me:-I love my parents!!! My mama is one of my best friends-she is fabulous. My dad is hilarious. For awhile as a kid they were seperated, but are now back together. They are both very important to me.

My mama, me and Mr. McB after my masters degree hooding

Me and my daddy at my wedding-laughing of course
-My grandparents have been a huge part of my life. My grandpa (Dahee) pasted away a few years ago and I still miss him daily. I will always remember him with his camera around his neck cracking jokes. My grandma (Mom) is an amazing lady. She is in her 80s and still beautiful!!!
-I have a strong musical background. My family had a singing show in the '70s. I can no longer sing well, but my whole life I have sung and played instruments.
-I was a competitive figure skater. I quit after high school, but it was a large part of my life. I really miss it. Unfortunately my skating led to a small eating disorder in junior high and high school.
-I was in the band and actually loved it. Our band was very divided and not everyone was a band nerd. I quit after high school b/c college band wasn't for me.
-I used to always attempt to fit in, but I have finally come to a place where I realize I have the best friends in the world and there is no point in trying to fit in with people you do not go well with.
With our group of friends before a WVU football game
-I went to West Virginia University. I am a huge fan of WVU Athletics. I have my undergraduate degree in Journalism, Public Relations with a minor in Communication Studies and my masters degree in Public Administration, Healthcare Adminstration.
-I am the Director of Admissions and Marketing for a local nursing home.
-I met Mr. McB while at WVU. We both worked for a sports organization called the Mountaineer Maniacs. We weren't sure about each other at first, but quickly became best friends.
-I married Mr. McB in 2008. I got married much earlier than I expected myself too, but you can't choose who you love. Being a newlywed has been hard, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Mr. McB and me at our wedding reception
-We have a dog, a cat and a fish. We got Kona, our dog, when we were dating. After getting married we decided to get a cat, Braxton. Recently we decided to get a Beta fish and got Berkley. We love all of our animals. I wish I had a lot of property with a lot of animals.
-Mr. McB is a nursing home administrator. In twelve months he will get his own building and we will be moving more than likely. This is one of the reasons I wanted to get use to writing in my blog more--to keep in touch with family and friends.
If you have any questions you would like to ask me, please feel free to leave those in the comments. :)