Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Got the Job!!!!


After all my interviewing and preparing, I pretty much had three job offers on the table.

I immediately nixed one because it hadn't been fully offered and I thought it was the most time consuming out of the three offers. Don't get me wrong, I know jobs take time, but I don't want to be away all of the time. I admit that some travel is good and sometimes awesome, but too much travel can get the best of you.

The next option was really good and truly in the field I want to stay in, but there would be a fairly long commute every day unless we moved a little more north. I am not totally against moving, but Mr. McB's job is here for now. He has the possiblity of a job near where we would move, but nothing has been confirmed. Also, the cost of living would be a lot higher and I would still have somewhat of a commute.

Finally, I have accepted the tentative offer for a position at the university I currently work for. This position would have me using a lot of my undergraduate skills. It is a combination of public realations/communication, donor development and special events. This is the perfect job for me. :)

Yay!!!!! Thanks for the prayers!


Lindsey said...


leah @maritalbless said...

YEAH GIRL! I'm so excited, what an abundance of blessing!

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Wow! You were rockin' it! Congratulations - I'm so very happy for you.

Lacey said...

Congrats!! You must be so excited!!