I am happy to say I am fully back into the blogging world. I was having a busy time with the change of jobs and finishing up graduate school. However, I am settled within my new position and feel I will have time for regular blogging. I hope to get back to my "exciting" life and things I love.
Also, I haven't been feeling well. A couple weeks ago I started feeling really strange. I went to a doctor and was told it wasn't anything that was a big deal-it could be a mixture of many small things. Anyways, I needed a general appointment anyway and will be trying out a new doctor on Friday. I'm happy to just be able to talk to someone about what I've been experiencing.
(Note-I am a hypocrondriac-I always think the worst is wrong with me)
My life has been consumed by baseball. Mr. McB coaches a Pony League (13-14 year olds) team in our town and he also plays softball. Also, he is a huge Pirates fan and the stadium is only about an hour from us. So, I have been living and breathing baseball the past few weeks.
Funny story-last night Mr. McB and I got kicked out of our first Pony League game. There is this one umpire who does not like our team. To be honest, I think he has anger management problems and definitely displays this while umpiring. It is important to take your job seriously, but I don't think it takes it seriously-he takes it as a power trip. So Mr. McB asked about a call and he got up in his face. This continued as he told Mr. McB to shut up, while staying in his face and pointing his finger between his eyes. This was extremely disrepectful. So, I had to tell him about having to earn respect, not just receiving it. So, we got thrown out of the game. I absolutely hate people on power trips-get over yourself.
Also, we got an adorable cat from people who rescue them. His name is Braxton and boy is he a cuddler. Kona, our dog, has had some trouble adjusting to life with a "brother", but she is doing rather well. :) I'll post pictures as soon as I get a good one. :)
Also, Mr. McB and I joined a small group to grow in our relationship with God, ourselves and other couples. Unfortunately, we had to miss the last one. :( I really am enjoying it and recommend it to anyone seeking more time with Christians.
My jeweler, Joyce's Fine Jewelry in Uniontown, PA, opened a brand new store. My mom came up and we went to the grand opening. What a fabulous store and fabulous evening. I was amazed by how I felt like I had stepped into New York City while still in Uniontown. Congrats to them! :)
Although we haven't been home in awhile, we have had a lot of family time. :) I love being able to spend time with our families. Most of our family was in town for my masters graduation and my sister-in-law's graduation. We were able to spend time with each family seperately and together. Eating was interesting considering it was an already busy weekend for restaurants and we had about 14 people. Unfortunately my dad was out of town and didn't get to come see me graduate.
Over Memorial Day we went camping with friends and family. Mr. McB plans a huge trip everyone. This is his thing-he loves this camping trip. Unfortunately, many people left early and I wasn't there a lot because I felt awful and I went to my hometown for the evening to see my cousin graduate from high school. I was not going to go, but his expression when he saw me was very worth it.

This past weekend, Mr. McB and I went camping for a night in a new place. We went with one of our best friends, Jill. The campsite was awesome and we slept really late. The whole area was surrounded by trees and the light barely came through. Also, we were surrounded by running water, which always puts me to sleep. That night, Mr. McB and I had great tickets to the Pirates Game. After the game, there were fireworks and the Zac Brown Band played. It was so much fun and so exciting. :) Also, we treated ourselves and rode over to PNC Park on the Gateway Clipper. I love being able to spend time with my wonderful husband. :)
Tonight we are headed to another Pirates game. Mr. McB scored the tickets for $2.50 each and they are decent tickets. :)
Wow you've had a lot going on! I'm glad you're back!
Yay glad you're back!!
Happy you're back. =)
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